Saturday, 16 April 2011

A short comment on homosexuality

It seems to become more of a fashion lately for people, especially famous people, to either be classed as homosexual or to call themselves "bi". And if you say that people in former times weren't gay they just tell you that that was simply because they weren't allowed to show it.
Far more true would be to say, that loving your own sex is simply not natural. We are meant to reproduce and it is an instict of every animal (and that's what humans, biologically seen, are) to breed and increase the population. The only possible reason for an animal to not wish to reproduce would be if there were too many of their species and there was not enough food or space. But as that isn't the case, at least not in parts of the world like Europe, there is no reason why a human should not want to make children. And to do so, of course, it takes a man and a woman. Nothing else. Not two men, or two women, or anything inbetween. So biologically seen, being gay is unnatural, and senseless. Why are so many people gay though? The answer is simple: it has become "in", so to say, and people are trying to gain attention by "outing" themselves as gay. And this is mostly the fault of the media and the governments spreading lie-propaganda and setting false values.

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