These days more and more intelligent, qualified European women prefer working in highly paid jobs than to have children. First of all, in most cases this is the fault of the government by not supporting European families enough and by making it seem very attractive to intelligent women to use their intelligence and to get to be admired and valued by colleagues and others. Thus they make it possible for less intelligent, less strong and non-european people to breed and grow more and more in numbers. With this they weaken us. There will be more and more weak, disabled people in the future and most of them will be unable to work because the weakness will grow more in every generation. And the strong of us will die out because they were more interested in prestige than to have children. Besides, a country without the leading elite of specialised, intelligent people can never economically succeed.
So to all women, who are intelligent, self-confident and strong, listen to me. There is nothing wrong with trying to earn money to feed your family and there is nothing wrong with enjoying the benefits of having a high position in a company. But over all you have to save our countries, save Europe, save the strong, intelligent, European people. Find yourself a good man, who is just as intelligent and as strong as you are, and make sure that after you die all your qualities will live on in your children. And make sure we will never die out.
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